1 Standard Test Condition标准测试条件
The tested battery must be a new battery with production time less than one month, the charge and discharge cycle less than 5 times. Unless there were other particular requirements, the testing condition for this specification is: temperature 15~35℃, relative humidity 45%~75%, atmospheric Pressure 86~106kPa.
2 Measurement Apparatus Request测试设备要求
(1)The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or more precision scale of 0.01mm.
The precision of multimeter should be not low than 0.5 class, inner impedance not less than 10 kΩ/V.
(3)内阻测试仪测量原理应为交流阻抗法(1kHz NLCR)。
Impedance shall be measured by a sinusoidal alternating current method(AC 1kHz LCR meter).
Current test precision rate above 0.1%, CV precision rate ±0.5%, timing precision rate no less than ±0.1%.
Thermometer precision rate no less than ±0.5℃.
(以上价格仅供参考,具体价格以实际详谈为准。) |